WelcomeTo Rishabh e Academy!
Millions of students give hundreds of exams each year to fulfill their dreams of getting a government job. There is some success in this, some have a failure. It is not that the unsuccessful candidate is weak but we do not have any knowledge about the pattern of the pattern we are going to give to the extent possible, minus marking, time management etc. From which we have to face failure. We are one of the online platforms containing tutorials, practice question test and detailed evaluation reports in Hindi and English using computer and mobile phones.
We welcome all the candidates who are preparing for more than 70 different types of state and state government exams including SSC, Banking, Teacher Ability, Railways, Army, Police, on their website. Those who are serious about preparing for these examinations in the coming days and are preparing for the exam.
You can check your knowledge about topics, sub-topics and speed to give different types of examinations through our website. Not only this, we also provide a detailed report of your preparation which will give you an analysis of your performance and progress. In addition to this, we will provide information about the vacancies in the various government departments, information and results etc. along with detailed information coming through our website. During the examinations, notes of various subjects will also be made available in Hindi and English from time to time.
Our website will prove to be a better platform for you, which will lead to success.
With the best wishes for the upcoming exam
Team Rishabh e Academy
There are more than 150 Central/ State Government Exams. Know the latest details of all the exams.
view detailsOnline exam demands online practice, ensure that by practicing subject, topic and mock test.
view detailsGet 7 Analysis reports on your Subject & Topic-wise Scores, Sectional Speed & Overall Progress.
view detailsNews that you can use, selected keeping the trends of questions asked in General Knowledge section.
view details‘‘यह बहुत ही बेहतर वेबसाइट है। इससे केन्द्र व प्रदेश की सरकारी नौकरियों के बारें में विस्तार से जानकारी मिलने के साथ ही इसमें दिए गये मांक टेस्ट निश्चय ही आनॅलाइन परीक्षा की अच्छी तैयारी के लिए कारगर है। वास्तव में इससे परीक्षा में आने वाले प्रश्नों के पैटर्न को समझने में काफी मदद मिली। इससे मुझे परीक्षा हाल में परीक्षा के दौरान शांत और आत्मविश्वास में बने रहने में काफी मदद मिली।‘‘
‘‘इस वेबसाइट के माध्यम से मुझे बैंकिग की तैयारी करने में काफी सहायता मिली। इससे परीक्षा के पैटर्न को जहां समझने में मुझे काफी मदद मिली वहीं मांक टेस्ट से मेरी तैयारी काफी बेहतर हो सकी। मैं केवल 200 रूपये के अनलिमिटेड प्लान से मोबाइल पर इस वेबसाइट का Eclara ऐप डाउन लोड कर तैयारी किया। जिसका लाभ मुझे परीक्षा हाल में देखने को मिला। इस वेबसाइट की सबसे बडी अच्छी बात यह है कि इससे आने वाले केन्द्र व प्रदेश की नौकरियों के बारें में विस्तार से जानकारी मिलने के साथ ही उसके अप्लाई से लेकर एडमिट कार्ड तक निकालने की सुविधा भी मिल जा रही है।‘‘
• "Mock tests are very well structured and have helped me to take my preparation to the next level. I could get a feel of real exam before actually taking the exam. It helped me stay calm and confident during the actual examination."
• "Is like a dream come true for all the students like me who are preparing for any govt. exam. Tutorials, practice tests, mock tests, result analysis, time analysis and much more in a single platter. It is a complete package in itself."
"The practice tests and the mock tests on cover every possible aspect of any subject in a government exam. This gives students like me an opportunity for ample practice, thereby enhancing my skills."
"Mock tests are very well structured and have helped me to take my preparation to the next level. I could get a feel of real exam before actually taking the exam. It helped me stay calm and confident during the actual examination."